The Commerce APIs interact with the commerce entities of your tenant, including shopper's active shopping carts, checkouts, submitted orders, wish lists, and returns as well as B2B quotes.
Some tips for using different resources of the Catalog Storefront APIs:
- Use the Carts resource to manage storefront shopping carts as shoppers add and remove items for purchase. Each time a shopper's cart is modified, the Carts resource updates the estimated total with any applicable discounts.
- Use the Channels and Channel Groups resources to manage the channels a company uses to create logical commercial business divisions based on region or types of sales, such as "US Online," "Amazon," or "EMEA Retail." All orders include a channel association that enables the company to perform financial reporting for each defined channel. Because channels are managed at the tenant level, you must associate all the tenant's sites with a channel. Sites that do not have a defined channel association cannot successfully submit orders.
- Use the Checkouts resource to track a shopper's order items and their intended destinations on sites that have the multiple shipment feature enabled.
- Use the Orders resource to manage all components of order processing, payment, and order-level fulfillment.
- Use the Quotes resource to support B2B functionality by managing order quotes, similar to wish lists.
- Use the Returns resource to manage returned items that were previously fufilled. Returns can include any number of items associated with an original order. Each return must either be associated with an original order or a product definition to represent each returned item.
- Use the Wish Lists resource to manage the shopper wish lists of products associated with a customer account. Although customer accounts are managed at the tenant level, the system stores shopper wish lists at the site level. This enables the same customer to have wish lists for each of a merchant's sites. The Wish List Items resource allows you to manage the individual items in a wish list.