
The GraphQL API provides queries and mutations to the same resources stored on the Kibo platform as those of the REST API. A full listing of the queries and mutations can be retrieved from the GraphQL schema, which can be obtained via introspection or via the Documentation Explorer in the GraphQL playground located in the root of your site at /graphql or the GraphQL Voyager located at /graphql/voyager.

You can find more information and examples for Kibo's usage of GraphQL in the user guide on the knowledge base.

GraphQL Playground

To access the GraphQL Storefront API Playground and documentation, view your site's web front end (so that a cookie can be set) and then navigate to /graphql.

Then click the settings gear in the upper right corner and set "request.credentials": "include"

From there you can make any storefront calls allowed by a shopper.

To make administrative calls, use a jwt token from the application development OAuth authenticate method.